Sunday, 21 June 2015

Resting Lightly

The silver leaves of this tree in the park seem to have alighted on the branches;
a flight of butterflies
 trembling on the brink of disappearing on the breeze.

Such lightness of touch.

My heart lifts
with their promise that I need not cling so tightly.

The roots of freedom are planted by resting lightly, and letting go.
Be Blessed


  1. They do look like butterflies! Lovely. I was thinking this yesterday, about keeping my hands open, not clinging and hunching and bunching and hoarding. I'll keep this image in mind. Thank you. ~tonia (

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Tonia.

      Such lovely things fall from our hands as we let go, or simply hold things loosely. Even the ugly, painful things, become instruments of grace as we let them fall around us, making our way as best we can. Know that you have been a means of grace to all of us who follow your posts as you share with us your own way-making.

      Blessings, H x

      P.S. Earlier reply deleted for a typo! Still wrestling with perfectionism. :(
